Landscape is.....

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Landscape is....Site Investigation Micro Scales

For project 2, we were split into groups and set the task of finding a 10m x 1m strip of land anywhere on the Knights Park Campus. The piece of land that my group and I found was behind the Stanley Picker Gallery and included part of the sculpture you can see in the pictures below.

Once every group had found a strip of land, we then had to decide how to represent the strip using a variety of different scales. In the loop below you can see the different types of media we used to represent the strip.

I was set the task of recording the level changes along the boundary lines of the strip.

From this work you can see the level changes in along the boundary line. Each section is 1m long and the measurements were taken every 20cm. Above the Q and R section is where the sculpture is on our strip. Below the I, J and K section is where our section dropped into the river.