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Mile End Park

Mile End Park was designed by Tibbalds TM2. The Green Bridge was designed by Piers Gough of CZWG Architects. This park is an ideal example of demonstrating the importance of maintenance. The design of this park is great and has tons of potential but due to poor maintenance by the council the park looks dissapointing. The description of the park sounds really nice

"Mile End Park was gorgeously landscaped during the millennium year by Tibbalds TM2, and now incorporates a go-kart track, a children's centre for under-10s, areas for public art and an ecology area."
Text from here.

The reality of the park is far from attractive and welcoming for anyone let alone under 10s and families. Its hard to judge whether the public art includes the graffitti and un-kept look the park has. I tried to open minded about the park but that was hard after having read and heard negatives reviews about the park, and then being there every word that i'd heard or read was accurate.

Below shows some photos to give an insight to the park.