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Innovations for the Built Environment 2008

Cityscape '08 is an exhibtion held in Earls Court. With 500+ exhibitors there's a lot to see. Below is a small section of some of the exhibits I saw while I was there.

Green roofs seem to be the next big thing! There was a lot of stands each trying to sell their own version of the green roof system. Below shows a model from one of the first stands I saw. The company on this stand was called Alumasc. To see their website click here. They have designed the roofing system at the New Providence Wharf in Docklands, London to see more about this project click here.

Next to the Alumasc stand was a Biotecture Ltd green walling system. This stand was un-manned and information was limited to a small leaflet next to the display (seen below). The green wall works in similar ways to the green roofs, and is very sustainable and looks great on the side of tall buildings!

Below you can see a picture of a massive model from the Thames Gateway project. This model was vast and gave a good over-view of the Thames estuary and the area involved with the project. This is one of the biggest waterside projects in Western Europe. The regeneration is ranging from Tower Bridge to Thurrock and Bexley. For more information about this project click here.

The image below is a streetscene, designed by landscape architects Whitelaw Turkington. The streetscene offered a range of materials and design's and looked nice in the exhibition hall, but in the context of a real street it would offer a very different experience.