As part of my final year project I went to Kent. Most of Kent is classed as an Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty. The AONB in Kent has been named High Weald, for more information about AONB's and the High Weald click here.
The site for the porject is in a small privately owned woodland, called Shrubs Wood. The main focal point of the site is a Barrow located in the woods. The Barrow is neolithic, which means it dates back to the 1600BC.
These photos show the barrow, but as you can see its not very visible. The proposal for the site is to be cleared and the barrow restored to its basic oval shape. The barrow is roughly 38m long, 20 wide and at its highest point up to 2m. The photo below shows the barrow at its highest point.
From these photos the white line marks the boundary of the trees which are to be cleared from the site. They used to be coppice trees but have been left for too long.
Below shows one of the main routes through the woodland. This path has been classed as a public bridleway. This bridleway runs right next to the barrow, and is the only path that does run near the barrow.
Landscape is.....
- Jason
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